1) Blended Learning : Station-Rotation model
Participants learned through a station-rotation blended learning experience.BlendEd in the Music Classroom:
“Find Your Rhythm with Blended Learning”
Key Resources:
- Music Memos (free iOS app)
- GarageBand Live Loops (feature in updated GarageBand app for iOS)
- GarageBand Starter Kit (free book for iBooks from Apple Education)
- Building Blocks of a Song (free iTunes U course with activities)
Additional Technology + Music Education Resources:
- From Pachelbel to iPad: Student-Performed GarageBand Concerts (free book for iBooks)
- Three Little Notes: Musical Composition on iPad (free book for iBooks)
2) Movement + Music : Inspiring Music Educator Kristin Lukow
We connected via Zoom with +Kristin Lukow from Adams Central. She inspired us with her energy and ideas for incorporating movement and multiple learning modalities into her music classroom. We all tried "Bouncing to the Beat" of one her elementary student routines.