Even more valuable, however, is Catlin's experience as a practicing teacher in California. For the approximately 50 professionals who gathered together at the Lifelong Learning Center on June 9, her classroom examples and advice from the trenches were spot-on and tremendously helpful.
The crux of the day was spent experiencing blended learning's most well-known model: station rotation. We not only experience Catlin's station-rotation experience (all centered around dynamic student discussions) but also learned many implementation tips.
- Blog: Station Rotation http://catlintucker.com/2015/07/creating-small-learning-communities-with-the-station-rotation-model/
- Station Rotation Lesson Template goo.gl/Giigbq (File > Make a Copy)
- Blog: Shake Up Station Rotation http://catlintucker.com/2016/05/shake-up-station-rotation/
Catlin shared an expert look into the flipped classroom model of blended learning and ways to adapt it to leverage even more student engagement and success.
- Blog: Flipped Classroom Beyond the Videos http://catlintucker.com/2012/04/flipped-classroom-beyond-the-videos/
- Blog: In-class flip meets station rotation http://catlintucker.com/2016/01/inclassflip/
- Flipped Classroom Template bit.ly/flippedtemplate
- Blog: Flipped Vocabulary Lessons http://catlintucker.com/2012/10/vocabulary-lessons-flipped-collaborative-student-centered/
Another highlight of the day was playing a classroom vocabulary game Catlin created with her students, modeled after 'Word Sneak' from the Tonight Show.
- Blog: Word Sneak http://catlintucker.com/2014/09/word-sneak-vocabulary-game-inspired-by-the-tonight-show/
All in all, the day was a successful blending of pedagogy and practices, interaction and inspiration. Nebraska educators who attended were excited to work on implementation goals for the upcoming school year... even this early in summer vacation!